
UPDATE: The official English translation of this Nikkei article is now available, and we’ve added clarification for the matter here. You can read our original report below.

Nikkei has put out a new report on various Nintendo-related topics, and they discussed company business with Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa. The report offers up one comment in particular that’s sure to put a damper on the latest round of Switch Pro rumors.

According to the report, Nintendo will not be releasing new Nintendo hardware in fiscal year 2023. This fiscal year is currently underway and will end March 2023. In other words, if you were hoping to see a Switch revamp sometime soon, it looks like there’s no longer any reason to hold onto that hope.

It’s important to note that we’re not sure whether Nikkei has shared this comment on their own, or if they received such a comment from Nintendo’s president. Obviously one would hold more weight than the other, but either way, it looks like we’ve seen all the Switch hardware there is to see for this fiscal year.

Lastly, there’s sure to be some who point to Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 as the game that will usher in a Switch revamp. That game has been delayed until Spring 2023, and Spring kicks off March 20th, 2022. That certainly leaves plenty of wiggle room for the Switch Pro/Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 rumors to roll on.

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2y ago

Back in the rumour vault with you.

> That game has been delayed until Spring 2023, and Spring kicks off March 20th, 2022.

Japan, or at least Nintendo, doesn’t typically use meteorological calendar for seasons. So their “Spring” would start February 1st. The Switch and the first Breath of the Wild released in “Spring” according to Nintendo.

I believe when they delayed Zelda they still intend for it release this Fiscal Year, which ends March 31st 2023 and as this report suggests, no Switch Pro this fiscal year.

Edited 2 times


2y ago

I don't think anyone realistically expected a Switch Pro/2 to launch before Christmas. Or to even announce it, it would kill the sale momentum of current Switch models for such a crucial sales period.

And as you say there is plenty of wiggle room and time between January and the launch of BOTW2 to both announce and promote a simultaneous launch in Spring of Switch Pro/2, releasing them after Nintendo's fiscal year has ended.

BOTW is the 4th best selling Switch game(3rd if you include Wii U sales), behind MK8, Animal Crossing and Smash Bros. Sequels to them won't be happening for some considerable time. A dual launch would be great for the game and console, similar to the original BOTW on Switch.

Nintendo know they owe much to that game and other Wii U ports, plus other original titles later in the year, giving the Switch a healthy start and foothold. If they've got new hardware planned, it could do the same. And games like BOTW2 don't roll around every other year.


2y ago

Now that we have the official translation, there is a tiny chance, though I don't expect to see a new Switch model until BOTW2 releases around March next year. But even that can slide, Zelda games are notorious for it.