
The Pokémon anime has been on the air for decades, which makes for a ton of episodes to sift through. Slowly but surely, the Pokémon TV series is going through each season and adding it for fans around the world to watch. The latest batch of episodes, which brings us the 8th season in its entirety, are available to stream today!

The Hoenn region continues to be chock-full of incredible trials and tribulations as Ash, May, Brock, and Max continue their adventure in Pokémon: Advanced Battle, which arrives on Pokémon TV this Friday. In this eighth season of Pokémon the Series, Ash battles to earn his final two Gym badges so he can secure himself a spot in the Hoenn League, while May continues entering Pokémon Contests as she works her way towards the Hoenn Grand Festival. And of course, Team Magma and Team Aqua become an even greater threat as they awaken the Legendary Pokémon Groudon and Kyogre. Our heroes can’t remain in the Hoenn region forever, though. After all the excitement, Ash and Pikachu return to the Kanto region, where they reunite with old friends!

You can catch Season 8 episodes right now on or the Pokémon TV mobile app. The Pokémon TV app is now available for Switch as well!

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