
Looks like gamers are eager to get their hands on more Sherlock Holmes action. A mere 24 hours after the Kickstarter for Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened launched, the campaign has already seen its base goal fulfilled. The team was looking for just under $72k to make this remake a reality, and right now the campaign is sitting at $112 strong.

Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened remake sees a young Sherlock take on his first major case alongside his newly acquainted sidekick, John Watson. What seems like a straightforward case of a missing person quickly spirals into a web of conspiracies by a nefarious cult that worships the eldritch god Cthulhu and are attempting to bring about an ancient prophecy. The game will take the detective duo across 4 locations – Victorian London, a Swiss psych ward, the New Orleans bayous, and the Scottish Highlands - as they try to separate reality from the supernatural while trying to put a stop to these shadowy madmen.

If you’d like to pledge some cash to the Kickstarter campaign in order to secure a copy or help reach stretch goals, you can do so through this link.


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2y ago

Count me the f*** in.