
According to NHK (using Google Translate and DeepL), Nintendo Headquarters’ Development Center building at Minami-ku, Kyoto, caught fire today (August 15th) in the afternoon; the police received a fire report around 1:00 pm and dispatched eight fire engines towards the company, but the fire was already taken care of by the employees there, the police claimed that some of the desks and chairs on the third floor were burned, no one was injured, and it seems like the fire might have started from a device that was being charged.

About znbashi


Just someone who spent most of his childhood playing Smash Bros with my brother, which led me to explore more games. Favorite franchises include Xenoblade and Kirby.

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Comments (5)


2y ago

Must have been a Samsung or an Apple phone I bet...are we back into those times again?

That aside, I'm glad everyone's safe. We don't need another arson incident like Kyoto Animation...

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2y ago

So employees at Nintendo HQ actually go into their offices to work?! Incredible…
Glad to hear no one was hurt.


2y ago

I knew Nintendo was lit but this is next level!

Edited 1 time


2y ago

"it seems like the fire might have started from a device that was being charged."

Imagine if it was a Nintendo Switch. Highly, highly improbable.


2y ago

Very glad everyone’s okay and damage was minimal. I’m sure Nintendo is very proud of their staff for channeling their inner Red Pikmin to bravely battle the flames.