
In recent months, we’ve heard a lot from Nintendo of America contractors who have made numerous complaints about the workplace environment. This was mostly tied to union-busting allegations, with contractors being scolded and worse for speaking about forming a union. Today brings us another round of allegations, but of a different variety.

Kotaku has shared an investigative report that pools together comments from multiple Nintendo of America game testers. These testers, contracted through Aerotek, have alleged that select Nintendo of America employees engaged in sexual harassment in a multitude of ways. The complaints range from unwanted comments to stalking, and a number of other sources have spoke up to corroborate the allegations.

Nintendo was reached for comment on this matter, but they have yet to respond. We are also reaching out to Nintendo to see if they’ll provide a statement on these allegations, and we’ll make sure to share any/all responses with you.

The report from Kotaku is lengthy, but certainly worth your time. Please know that there are a number of adult/uncomfortable allegations included in the report. You can read the exposé here.


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Comments (9)


2y ago

"This was mostly tied to union-busting allegations, with contractors being scolded and worse for speaking about forming a union."

Good. Unions should be squashed before they infect the workforce. I bet you these sickos are only using sexual harassment allegations as a way to sneak in their agendas.


2y ago


Just gonna disregard your conspiracy theory about sneaking in agendas but...

Unions are actually a good thing. In an ideal world, we wouldn't need them but far too many companies are greedy and will put their workers through hell-ish conditions.

Without a union, I only had one significant raise in four years. At my previous workplace before that, my wages went up because minimum wage went up.

At my current workplace, I see a significant raise every year. And if my work is treating me unfairly, I have resources to combat that. We set the reasonable standards of work, not the employer.

I'm sorry your union(s) has failed you. Not sure why you would be anti-union though. You've either bought into their shit propaganda or you're running some sort of company.

Hope you take some time to re-examine unions soon.


2y ago

Allegations of sexual abuse, or abuse in general, should always be taken seriously.


2y ago


Wanted to post this last night, but it was late and I fell asleep midpoint. Can't agree with any of your statement. Unions are a good thing for workers, they help protect them and fight for their rights.

Some employers don't like unions though, often companies that want to undermine their contract workers, exploit them, pay them as little as possible, avoid benefits, paid leave, etc. I don't think you can call these accusers "sickos" either. Your language is incendiary, "infect" "sneak" "agendas". Sounds to me like these people are looking to be treated with respect and equally as other full-time Nintendo workers are.


2y ago

I guess I read @noxide's comment as being facetious. Maybe I'm wrong.

the utility man

2y ago


I think you could have gotten your point across a little nicer, but for the most part what you suggest is possible. I know some people don't want to admit the possibility of it but it is possible. I can see you were reported for your message, and I hope you won't be modded simply for having a different opinion.

I appreciate your concern but I don't think Gonintendo would do that. We've had lots of fence splitting comments in the past and RMC didn't pick favourites, (there was the occasional need for a fire extinguisher if you catch my drift :P). I choose to be assertive with my comments cause I feel strongly about them I do appreciate that there are other commenters with different levels of spice so hopefully that will encourage more people to comment and be active.


2y ago


Check this video out, it might add more context to the situation.

You could also read the article but I know a lot of people don't like to read.


2y ago


Irrelevant. My point still stands. Allegations of abuse should always be taken seriously.