
Nintendo has a number of franchises under their belt, and some are bigger than others. There’s the huge brands like Mario and Pokemon, the sizable faces like Kirby and Fire Emblem, and then smaller IP we don’t see much from. Chibi-Robo, a Nintendo co-developed and published franchise, is definitely way down towards the bottom of the Big N’s list.

While Chibi-Robo might not be all that popular, the franchise certainly has its fans. Those fond of the series would love to see another installment come along, and it turns out they have a notable supporter among their ranks; the director of Chibi-Robo.

Kenichi Nishi is the founder of Skip, the studio that developed Chibi-Robo, and he was also the director on that debut installment. In an interview with Time Extension, Nishi talked about the likelihood of a new Chibi-Robo installment.

“Skip is a company that I founded, but I left halfway through to work on a separate project, so I don’t know what happened to it. Currently, most of the staff have moved on to other companies, and some of them are now working with me on my projects. We didn’t have any troubles or quarrels, and we still see each other once in a while and get along well, but I think they chose not to work together at the same company.

I don’t know if Skip will release another Chibi-Robo, but I would like to make a sequel if the timing is right, because he is a fascinating character.”

[Kenichi Nishi]

Even if Skip doesn’t have the desire, Nishi himself does. Hopefully that desire aligns with Nintendo at some point, and another Chibi-Robo game heads our way.

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Comments (4)


2y ago

I've never played a Chibi Robo game, but if a new game come out or a remake for Switch I'll be picking it up. Heard many great things about the series.


2y ago

Skip are an all-time top 10 great house for the Art Style series alone! As much as Chibi Robo is cool and deserves another game, that series deserves an HD compilation and a new switch concept or two!!!! I exclaim!!!!!


2y ago

Nintendo is really missing a prime opportunity to give Chibi-Robo a decent chance at finding a bigger audience with the Switch. Just port over the first game, that's all you need to get the ball rolling IMO! (and please, never make anything like Zip-Lash ever again)


2y ago

Chibi-Robo would have a made a good Smash character imo. Could have had decent moves with the plug and chord.