
The River City Girls soundtrack continues the WayForward tradition by being an absolute banger. There’s not a bad track in the entire game, and the music certainly heightens the experience. Things are made even more immersive thanks to many of the tracks featuring vocals, creating a soundtrack you’ll never forget.

In an interview with Destructoid, River City Girls composer Megan McDuffee spoke about the decision to include so many voiced tracks in the game.

The idea to have a few fully-vocal synthpop songs was pitched by the game’s director; he really liked my voice, and thought it might be a cool idea to incorporate some vocals. I think it was a great choice. The fact that it ties into rockstar baddie NOIZE is such a fun little detail that I haven’t really seen in other games before!

[Megan McDuffee, composer]

The River City Girls soundtrack would be killer even without the voice tracks, but those tunes really put things over the edge. Even if you have no intentions of playing the game, do yourself a favor and listen to the River City Girls soundtrack. It’s certainly worth your time, and it easy made its way into my usual music rotation.

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2y ago

Japan and Vocals aren't a combination that misses often, I trust.