
Switch owners have been eating good when it comes to support from Platinum Games over the years. A number of Platinum-developed titles have come to the Switch, including the action-adventure, Astral Chain. Believe it or not, that game came to the Switch three years ago, and Platinum is celebrating the occasion with a special message.

Along with a general message of thanks to fans who’ve supported Astral Chain over the years, director Takahisa Taura has also revealed a special giveaway. Anyone who follows Platinum on Twitter and retweets the above tweet by Sept. 9th, 2022 will be entered in the running to win a Japanese collector’s edition of Astral Chain signed by Mr. Taura!

Good luck to anyone who enters, and if you end up being the lucky winner, makes sure to come back to let us know!

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2y ago

I just want a sequel