
Hope you’re not tired of big rumors this week, because we’ve got yet another juicy one for you. In particular, this one should be of great interest to those who hold the GameCube near and dear to their hearts.

Multiple industry insiders are claiming Nintendo is working on a number of GameCube remasters for the Switch. Of course, these rumors stop short of sharing specifics on just which games are getting the remaster treatment, but a host game names have been floated.

Games that are part of the discussion include F-Zero GX, Metroid Prime, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Pikmin 1 and Pikmin 2. Some of these aren’t so surprising, as they popped up in a rumor yesterday, but now we’re hearing those titles are part of a larger effort by the Big N to show the GameCube some love.

Of course, if any of this information is legit, we’ll have to look towards Nintendo for confirmation. Hopefully that rumored Nintendo Direct ends up being real, as you’d have to imagine some of these rumors titles would get revealed during an event like that.

Thanks to Sligeach_eire for the heads up!

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I just want Eternal Darkness. Please and thank you.
Also this was covered in the Jeff Grubb direct rumour story.

And why are these folks called “insiders”. They’re not inside Nintendo.


2y ago

I just want Eternal Darkness. Please and thank you.
Also this was covered in the Jeff Grubb direct rumour story.

And why are these folks called “insiders”. They’re not inside Nintendo.

Edited 2 times


2y ago

RMC not including Paper Mario: TTYD, because he knows the true majesty of Paper Mario 64. That and Nintendo will never re-release TTYD, because it reminds us all of better days.


2y ago

OH! That Wario World on the image wish it gets a remaster!

And Thousand Year Door...and Wind Waker..


2y ago


YES, we NEED an Eternal Darkness revival!


2y ago

N64 games are €10($10) on Virtual Console. Wii games on Wii U are €20. They have been for many a year. So going by that, Gamecube came in between those 2 consoles, should be priced at €15 a pop. Though really in this day and age, the prices should be lower.

But let's just stick with €15. So a €60 price tag could have 4 Gamecube games on the cartridge. Remember too that Gamecube games were small, they fit on a 1.5GB disc. Let's be generous and say Nintendo do some slight quality of life improvements, while the Switch hardware does its thing and lets games run at a higher resolution, frame rate, etc.

Now let's be even more generous and say for that "work", they'll just give us 2 Gamecube games for that €60. Remember, too, that Gamecube games are 2 decades old.

Nintendo: 😅 😂 🤣

If they're from the ground up fully remade Gamecube games, I'd have no problem with Nintendo charging €60, even though much of the work has already been done; story, character design, world/level design, music, etc.


2y ago


"Also this was covered in the Jeff Grubb direct rumour story."

No, it wasn't. That story concerned the Wii U Zelda ports and a brief mention of Metroid Prime Remastered.

This is from Liam Robertson, Emily Rogers and NateDrake. It adds more games like F-Zero GX and Pikmin 1&2 as well as the others previously mentioned.

the schaef

2y ago

Clearly we all want the rats to eat our collective eyes.


2y ago

I'm really hungry for new games right now, so I don't think Gamecube games will cut it for me. I still own most of the best Gamecube games on their native platform.


2y ago

Odama bundled with a switch microphone. please and thank you.


2y ago

People were complaining about Sony releasing The Last of Us across 3 console generations in a row (despite the PS4 version just being a remaster and the PS5 version being a remake with significant improvements).

If this rumor is true, this will be the 4th console in a row that Nintendo has sold us Twilight Princess on, and Nintendo doesn't often make significant changes to their re-re-re-releases, they think we want to play them exactly how we remembered them decades ago (which isn't always true and is why I couldn't finish Super Mario Sunshine and pretty much had to force myself to finish Super Mario 64 on the 3D All-Stars collection).

I don't mean for this to come off like a negative post or something. I hope they prove me wrong and these aren't just low effort remasters (especially because in the case of TP and WW we'd just be getting remasters of games that were already remastered and we'd even be losing features the Wii U versions had). This really makes me hope their next console is backwards compatible so they have less excuse to rely on things like that.

Edited 1 time

[comment rejected]

If TP and WW come I expect nothing more than direct ports of the Wii U HD versions. Minus whatever tweak needed to account for the lack of the Gamepad, but you could play both on just the Gamepad anyways.