The rumored Nintendo Direct may have been delayed

Heading DIRECTLY toward a delay?

08 September 2022
by rawmeatcowboy 22

Yes, we’re talking about a rumor for a rumor. I apologize in advance for how convoluted this all is!

Last week, we heard rumors of a Nintendo Direct coming up. That Direct would supposedly happen sometime during the week of September 12th, 2022, which would be next week. According to inside sources, this Direct is supposed to reveal Twilight Princess and Wind Waker ports to Switch, the long-rumored Metroid Prime remaster, and more.

Many have been looking forward to next week to see if a Direct does come about, but now it seems we might have to wait even longer. Again, this is all based on rumor and speculation, so take it with a grain of salt.

People involved with both GamesBeat and Giant Bomb have said that the Nintendo Direct may be delayed to sometime past next week. Why delay the Direct days before it’s supposed to happen? Word is that Nintendo wants to push the Direct back due to the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. It’s not clear why Nintendo feels that would be a reason to hold a Direct back, but it’s likely a mix of paying respects and not wanting a Direct to get lost in the Queen’s coverage.

Hopefully Nintendo confirms a Direct soon, and we can move far away from rumor talk and just be excited!

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Comments (22)

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I would absolutely hope this isn't true. I have absolutely no time for monarchy, a outdated, racist, privileged institution(amongst other things) that caused misery(putting it mildly) around the world for centuries, the affects of which are still felt today.

It's not bothering Microsoft, they made the announcement since, scheduled for the 14th September.

What Microsoft do, should have far more of a bearing on Nintendo's plans.


2y ago

I would absolutely hope this isn't true. I have absolutely no time for monarchy, a outdated, racist, privileged institution(amongst other things) that caused misery(putting it mildly) around the world for centuries, the affects of which are still felt today.

It's not bothering Microsoft, they made the announcement since, scheduled for the 14th September.

What Microsoft do, should have far more of a bearing on Nintendo's plans.


2y ago

Yeah, I'd hope they wouldn't adjust their plans over the death of a small country's queen. But it's becoming a rumor pile at this point and I'll just hope we get a direct soon.


2y ago

You’d think people in the comments who care about things like racism, privilege, and human suffering would sympathize with the loss of one of humanity’s most powerful and influential women.


dark weres

2y ago


Just to play Devil's Advocate here, people in the real world, not chasing teraflops and 50K resolution TVs, are gonna be talking about the queen's death, even if it has nothing to do with them directly. The end of the outdated monarchy, or even why our world has had a monarchy for so long, is a thing to discuss, and this is more than ever the time to discuss it. They're not gonna be in a mood to shop for video games and if they are, they've already bought them, and they're either the latest Xenoblade or Splatoon, or both.

Your sociopolitical gripes aside, it’s very big news, and will be dominating headlines in parts of the western world for the next week or so. I also don’t think delaying it is necessary, but most people don’t feel the way you do about this particular Queen, regardless of the checkered history of monarchy in general.

Also, Prayers to her and for her soul and her family and those who love her.


2y ago

The rumoured Direct is rumoured to be delayed? Rumour-ception.

At best this comment is distasteful. How disrespectful to a woman who selflessly led her nation for seven long decades. A peaceful woman and admirable role model for women all around the world. I hope you retract your comment and apologise. 😭


2y ago


I've nothing to apologise for, the royal family have plenty to apologise for though. This isn't a political site, and I don't know if we should or know if we're allowed to have a discussion. I'm Irish, and that horrible institution is responsible for our divided island to this day.

I didn't mention any person in particular in my post, I mentioned the rotten institution. And you mention "seven long decades", try looking up Ireland and 800 years.

Edited 1 time

cheesus 2

2y ago

Could be that there's announced game/title that has something to do with death and or royalty. Or Nintendo are just being respectful, I know people are like 'it's not a big deal' it is still a major historic event.

BOTW2 is actually Legend of Zelda: Twilight Queen and Midna is returning!! Confirmed.

cheesus 2

2y ago


'The Legend of Zelda: The Queen of England will Die September 8th 2022'

Not my orginal joke, but it is worth sharing

Edited 1 time

There's a difference between a person, a queen, and a country's monarchy and politics...


2y ago


You can see that sort of irony with a lot of these people... Almost as if... they care more about virtue signaling rather than real problems. But I don't know.


2y ago


Not sure I follow your reasoning. Not even sure if you follow your own reasoning.

There are still Nazis kicking around. Are you gonna scold people who cheer when they finally croak? Because apparently recoiling in horror over stories of the Holocaust means I need to shed tears over the deaths of its architects because both involve people dying... or something. Really thought you were making some kind of point, were you?

No, cheering on the deaths of tyrants and wretches does not solve any real problems, but it's not meant to; it's catharsis, and millions- maybe billions- around the world are enjoying the moment, so clutch your pearls all you want.

I would recommend everyone here- especially those licking the boots of decadent parasites- watch the 2008 movie Hunger :

At any rate, it makes sense that the Direct would be delayed. Even if you have no interest in mourning tyrants, their passing is still news, so may as well wait till the chatter dies down and people are bored.

jesus calm down, bro


2y ago

Kuribo I do not hope you're comparing the lovely Midna to Lizard Truss


2y ago


The rumour about the delay about the rumoured direct is rumoured to still be rumoured to be happening next week.

Only trusting sources like Deux for my true rumours from now on.

Edited 1 time


2y ago

I stand with you when it comes to the irish matter. And I am pleased to read the majority of people around here are anti-nazi. It may be weird for me to say it, as I am kinda political punk, but I think Nintendo and the British Royalty do not share a lot. I could understand that Charles rather be at this console than at the throne... or at least I would.
Delaying the Direct because of the Queen's death would be a rather stupid thing. Even if you are interested in the Royalty affairs, a Direct could be a nice change of pace for a bit.

When it comes to dealing with anti-nazi/anti-racist thinking, I think the old Wii game Tales of Symphonia:Dawn of the new world deserves a switch-port. (I haven't played the original gamecube version). The storyline really shows how stupid prejudices of any kind are.

How disgraceful comparing the systematic extermination of an entire race of people to a woman who lead the decolonisation and democratisation movement of the former British Empire. She was responsible for reforming the UK and Commonwealth Countries, and at no stage did she arrange the murder of 6 million Jews.

Your historical illiteracy would be astounding, if it weren’t for the even more grossly inflammatory content of your post.


2y ago

Ha, I just want to chime in and say that sligeach, Eire (or shillelagh as he's also known) is right, and I think that even if you know that Nintendo as a company don't actually care about the monarchy one way or the other, this is definitely a good opportunity to speak the truth about it.
