
Talking about Nintendo Direct rumors has always been a thing, but I can’t remember a time when there’s been so much flip-flopping on the timing of a Direct. The rumors have been going back and forth for weeks now, and today brings us the next bit of waffling on the subject.

Just yesterday, there was a rumor about the Nintendo Direct (which is also a rumor in and of itself) getting delayed from its supposed airing next week. This was due to Queen Elizabeth II passing away, as Nintendo didn’t want to seem inconsiderate or have their information overshadowed by that event. A mere 24 hours later brings us new details, and supposedly the Direct is back on.

According to Giant Bomb’s Jeff Grubb, Nintendo will be sticking to their original plan, which means the Nintendo Direct is back on for next week. In particular, it seems like the Direct will be announced on Sept. 12th and then air on the 13th. That leaves just a few days left for Nintendo fans to place their bets as to whether this is legit or not!

Which side of the fence are you on? Is this Direct the real deal, or is it nothing but rumors and speculation?

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Comments (5)


2y ago

Only trust Deux from now on. His rumours are true.


2y ago


Is this a Deux Nutz setup?


2y ago

Man I love Giant Bomb but it feels like every three days Jeff is "leaking" a new thing that never pans out.


2y ago

That the initial rumors about a delay were at 2:30 or so in the morning in Japan tells you how seriously to take any of them.


2y ago

Is it a coincidence that rumour rhymes with tumour? It's a rumour.

Glad to see Nintendo apparently see sense. There's no need for any delay or postponement of the Direct.

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