
Get ready for online battles, chip trading, and more with a new .bat(ch) of information on features in development for Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection, coming to Switch in 2023.

Recently announced at Tokyo Game Show 2022 by none other than the game’s director, Masakazu Eguchi (who many of you also know as Mr. Famous), online features will be a part of all ten games included in Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection. This online functionality includes online battles and chip trading for each game.

Along with that, Eguchi revealed that just like how Lan Hikari and MegaMan.EXE connect through Lan’s PET, or PErsonal Terminal, a 3D MegaMan.EXE will guide you through the game selection screen and gallery, complete with voiced reactions.

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2y ago

A cool thing is, he's gonna be voiced by his actor from the English dub of Mega Man NT Warrior.