
As is common knowledge at this point, Splatoon is wildly successful in Japan, going so far as to receive its own spin-off manga series. Following a brief absence of getting new chapters since late last year, the manga has officially started back up again to coincide with the recent launch of Splatoon 3. A new chapter was released in the latest monthly issue of CoroCoro Comics, the Japanese magazine that distrubutes the manga in Japan, though the contents of it have yet to be shared online, apart from the promo image above.

Viz Media is responsible for translating the Splatoon manga into English, and once enough new chapters are released, they’ll be compiled into volumes for ease of consumption. The latest localized volume, Vol. 15, is available to pre-order now from retrailers.

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2y ago

I just wish the manga was in color. It just doesn't work for me without it especially as the game is all about the color.