Today brings us a fresh look at Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life, and in particular, we get a new video that shows off a time-lapse of the Forgotten Valley across the seasons. You can give that video a watch above.

Along with that, we also have details on three of the characters that you’ll come across while playing Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life.


Cecilia: a gentle and friendly girl who loves nature. She works at Vesta’s farm, and when she’s not working, she enjoy taking care of her crops.

Matthew: Vesta’s younger brother, who also works at the farm. A shy, hard-headed, cynical man who can’t stand up to his older sister, Vesta.

Namli: a traveler currently staying at the Inner Inn. She’s quite the mysterious character, and very little is known about her. Her cool aura has earned many hidden fans.


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